The Divergent Series is a science fiction film series based on the novels of the same name by Veronica Roth. The series consists of three films Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. The films follow the story of Tris, a young woman who lives in a dystopian society where people are divided into factions based on their personality traits, and who discovers that she does not fit into any of the factions. As Tris tries to uncover the truth about her society and her own identity, she becomes involved in a rebellion against the oppressive government.
If you enjoyed the Divergent Series film series and are looking for similar movies, you might consider these options:
Movies like Divergent
1.The Hunger Games
This science fiction film series follows the story of Katniss, a young woman who is chosen to compete in a deadly competition where she must fight to the death against other teenagers in a dystopian society.
2.The Maze Runner
This science fiction film series follows the story of Thomas, a young man who wakes up in a mysterious place called the Glade, with no memory of his past, and must escape a dangerous maze while uncovering the truth about his situation.
3.The Fifth Wave
This science fiction film follows the story of a young woman who tries to survive in a world that has been devastated by an alien invasion, and must decide whether to trust a stranger who claims to be able to help her.
4.The Giver
This science fiction film is an adaptation of the novel by Lois Lowry, and follows the story of a young man who is chosen to be the Receiver of Memory in a seemingly perfect society, and must confront the dark secrets of his community.
5.The Selection
This dystopian science fiction series follows the story of a young woman who is chosen to participate in a competition to win the heart of a prince, and must navigate the politics and intrigue of a society on the brink of war.
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